Installation Guide ================== Because of their size, the resources dependencies needed to run the various examples and unit tests are not provided within the Pypi package. They are separately available as `Git Submodules `__ when cloning the `repository `__. Primary Dependencies -------------------- **Colour - Demosaicing** requires various dependencies in order to run: - `python >= 3.9, < 4 `__ - `colour-science >= 4.3 `__ - `imageio >= 2, < 3 `__ - `numpy >= 1.22, < 2 `__ - `scipy >= 1.8, < 2 `__ Pypi ---- Once the dependencies are satisfied, **Colour - Demosaicing** can be installed from the `Python Package Index `__ by issuing this command in a shell:: pip install --user colour-demosaicing The overall development dependencies are installed as follows:: pip install --user 'colour-demosaicing[development]'